"Organic" Music
Sparks of Life | ink on 20x20cm canvas |Â 2017
Not every artwork comes with a success story, but every story carries its own lesson. This four-piece set was sold to an American buyer, who then returned it back to me on the grounds that the canvases were too small. By her own admission, she misinterpreted 20 cm as 20 inches. To err is human so I was totally cool with that. Up until the point when she decided to reward my patience with landing a low-blow in the form of a negative review for "misleading information". I was so very much not okay with her degrading my online repute, driven by undue ill-will or mere ignorance, that I felt an irresistible urge to question her mental state. And so I did, in the most civilised manner the situation allowed... for which act I received a warning from the gallery's moderators (after she reported me), and later got banned for criticising their brown-nosing attitude towards their customers, which leaves artists exposed to such nuisances. From that day onward I was not selling my art for a good while. It wasn't worth all the headache. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But to say a few things about the artworks themselves... The 'Sparks of Life" drawing series intends to express my admiration for the brilliance of human anatomy - hereby the system of organs collaborating in perfect harmony in an effort to sustain life. This surrealistic way of depiction was meant to transform the stillness of regular anatomical illustrations into a lively, pulsating, sparkling composition. I applied a special technique which involved the usage of ink, ballpoint pen, pencil, glue and acetone.
Lyric Illustrations | ink on 60x20cm canvas | 2017
In addition, some fleshy, industrial lyric illustrations I made using the same style and technique. Just so we refer back to the main title of this page... (The original ball-point pen drawings can be seen on the main page.)
Anatomical Illustrations | 2007-2009
Fun fact: this anatomical fanaticism of mine actually dates back to my teen years when I used to draw several studies of the human body. This is all I managed to recover for now, but I'll try to dig up a few more later on: